Spat of pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) grown in subtropical environments


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This study aimed to compare the growth and survival of Crassostrea gigas spat at four sites (Sambaqui (SBQ), Paraiso das Ostras (PAR), Atlatico Sul (ATL), and Cia das Ostras (CDO)) in Brazil. Batches of spat were reared in the summer and winter of 2018 and the summer of 2019 for two month periods. SBQ site had higher total particulate matter and particulate inorganic matter values than those observed at the other sites. The salinity at the PAR site was higher than that found at the other sites, but the temperature was lower. No differences in survival were observed among the sites in the summer or winter of 2018; however, in the summer of 2019, there were significant differences. Shell height was higher during warmer seasons than during winter. In conclusion, the SBQ and ATL sites were found to have better conditions for spat cultivation than the PAR and CDO sites.
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Key words
aquaculture,water quality,oyster spat,growth,survival
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