Processing-in-SRAM Acceleration for Ultra-Low Power Visual 3D Perception

Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference(2022)

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Real-time ego-motion tracking and 3D structural estimation are the fundamental tasks for the ubiquitous cyper-physical systems, and they can be conducted via the state-of-the-art Edge-Based Visual Odometry (EBVO) algorithm. However, the intrinsic data-intensive process of EBVO emplaces a memory-wall hurdle in practical deployment on conventional von-Neumann-style computing systems. In this work, we attempt to leverage SRAM based processing-inmemory (PIM) technique to alleviate such memory-wall bottleneck, so as to optimize the EBVO systematically from the perspectives of the algorithm layer and physical layer. In the algorithm layer, we first investigate the data reuse patterns of the essential computing kernels required for the feature detection and pose estimation steps in EBVO, and propose PIM friendly data layout and computing scheme for each kernel accordingly. We distill the basic logical and arithmetical operations required in the algorithm layer, and in the physical layer, we propose a novel bit-parallel and reconfigurable SRAM-PIM architecture to realize the operations with high computing precision and throughput. Our experimental result shows that the proposed multi-layer optimization allows for high tracking accuracy of EBVO, and it can improve 11x processing speed and reduce 20x energy consumption compared to the CPU implementation.
visual 3d perception,processing-in-sram,ultra-low
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