
Diffuse auroral intensities produced by whistler mode and electron cyclotron harmonic waves

Astrophysics and Space Science(2023)

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Whistler mode waves and ECH waves as observed by the THEMIS-D and THEMIS-E satellites have been analyzed. It is observed that ECH waves are very weak for pitch-angle diffusion whereas whistler mode waves are more efficient. Bounce-averaged pitch-angle diffusion rates at the edge of atmospheric loss-cone have been calculated for both waves. Further, these are used to obtain electron precipitation flux inside the loss-cone. The electron flux at the edge of the loss-cone is represented by the kappa distribution. Numerical calculation of precipitation flux is performed by varying the fitting parameters (which determine the shape of electron precipitation flux) appearing in the kappa distribution. Precipitation flux is used to obtain volume excitation rates and height-integrated volume excitation rates for the seven excitation states. Calculations have been performed using two standard atmosphere models corresponding to mean and high solar and geomagnetic activities. It has been observed from studies that the excitation rates produced by the ECH wave are several orders of magnitude smaller than the rates produced by whistler mode waves. We show that the scattering efficiency of whistler Mode is higher than that of ECH waves. The oblique whistler mode waves allow efficient scattering of electrons in diffuse aurora. Outcomes are discussed.
Diffuse aurora,Auroral intensity,Wave-particle interaction,Whistler-mode waves,ECH waves,Energetic electron precipitation,Different excitation rates
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