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Isolation and survival: The impact of local and MSA isolation on survival among non-Hispanic Black women diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States using a SEER-Medicare cohort.

Health & place(2023)

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BACKGROUND:Residential segregation is an important factor that negatively impacts cancer disparities, yet studies yield mixed results and complicate clear recommendations for policy change and public health intervention. In this study, we examined the relationship between local and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) measures of Black isolation (segregation) and survival among older non-Hispanic (NH) Black women with breast cancer (BC) in the United States. We hypothesized that the influence of local isolation on mortality varies based on MSA isolation-specifically, that high local isolation may be protective in the context of highly segregated MSAs, as ethnic density may offer opportunities for social support and buffer racialized groups from the harmful influences of racism. METHODS:Local and MSA measures of isolation were linked by Census Tract (CT) with a SEER-Medicare cohort of 5,231 NH Black women aged 66-90 years with an initial diagnosis of stage I-IV BC in 2007-2013 with follow-up through 2018. Proportional and cause-specific hazards models and estimated marginal means were used to examine the relationship between local and MSA isolation and all-cause and BC-specific mortality, accounting for covariates (age, comorbidities, tumor stage, and hormone receptor status). FINDINGS:Of 2,599 NH Black women who died, 40.0% died from BC. Women experienced increased risk for all-cause mortality when living in either high local (HR = 1.20; CI = 1.08-1.33; p < 0.001) or high MSA isolation (HR = 1.40; CI = 1.17-1.67; p < 0.001). A similar trend existed for BC-specific mortality. Pairwise comparisons for all-cause mortality models showed that high local isolation was hazardous in less isolated MSAs but was not significant in more isolated MSAs. INTERPRETATION:Both local and MSA isolation are independently associated with poorer overall and BC-specific survival for older NH Black women. However, the impact of local isolation on survival appears to depend on the metropolitan area's level of segregation. Specifically, in highly segregated MSAs, living in an area with high local isolation is not significantly associated with poorer survival. While the reasons for this are not ascertained in this study, it is possible that the protective qualities of ethnic density (e.g., social support and buffering from experiences of racism) may have a greater role in more segregated MSAs, serving as a counterpart to the hazardous qualities of local isolation. More research is needed to fully understand these complex relationships. FUNDING:National Cancer Institute.
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Key words
breast cancer,msa isolation,survival,non-hispanic,seer-medicare
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