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张一鸣,和渊, 侯静雯,韩明哲

Digital Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools(2023)

Cited 0|Views3
数字化实验是以力、热、声、光、电、磁、生化等各类传感器为基础,使用传感器采集实验中的各类数据,并将数据传输到计算机、平板电脑、手机等中枢进行分析处理的新型实验方式,具有具身性、实时性、广延性等特征.数字化实验在20世纪80年代出现于美国,2003年乘国家新一轮课程教材改革的东风进入我国,为我国教育改革提供了有力的支撑[1].近年来,国际科学教育改革掀起新浪潮,数字化实验与科学教学的深度融合成为热点问题,融合信息技术的科学、技术、工程、艺术、数学(Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics,STEAM)教育越来越受到重视.
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  • Pretraining has recently greatly promoted the development of natural language processing (NLP)
  • We show that M6 outperforms the baselines in multimodal downstream tasks, and the large M6 with 10 parameters can reach a better performance
  • We propose a method called M6 that is able to process information of multiple modalities and perform both single-modal and cross-modal understanding and generation
  • The model is scaled to large model with 10 billion parameters with sophisticated deployment, and the 10 -parameter M6-large is the largest pretrained model in Chinese
  • Experimental results show that our proposed M6 outperforms the baseline in a number of downstream tasks concerning both single modality and multiple modalities We will continue the pretraining of extremely large models by increasing data to explore the limit of its performance
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