
Biomechanical parameters of voice in Parkinson's disease patients

Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica(2024)

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Introduction: Previous research on voice in Parkinson's disease (PD) has consistently demonstrated alterations in acoustic parameters, including fundamental frequency (F0), maximum phonation time, Shimmer, and Jitter. However, investigations into acoustic parameter alterations in individuals with PD are limited. Methods: We conducted an experimental study involving twenty PD patients (six women and fourteen men). Subjective measures of voice (VHI-30 scale and GRBAS) and objective measures using the Online Lab App tool for analyzing biomechanical correlates of voice were recorded. The App analyzed a total of 22 biomechanical parameters of voice. Results: The results of subjective measures were consistent with findings from previous studies. However, the results of objective measures did not align with studies that employed acoustic measures. Conclusions: The biomechanical analysis revealed alterations in various parameters according to gender. These findings open up a new avenue of research in voice analysis for patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), whether through acoustic or biomechanical analysis, aiming to determine whether the observed changes in these patients' voices are attributable to age or disease progression. This line of investigation will help elucidate the relative contribution of these factors to vocal alterations in PD patients and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms.
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