Bifurcation Structure of Interval Maps with Orbits Homoclinic to a Saddle-Focus

Ukrainian Mathematical Journal(2024)

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We study homoclinic bifurcations in an interval map associated with a saddle-focus of (2, 1)-type in ℤ2-symmetric systems. Our study of this map reveals a homoclinic structure of the saddle-focus, with bifurcation unfolding guided by the codimension-two Belyakov bifurcation. We consider three parameters of the map corresponding to the saddle quantity, splitting parameter, and the focal frequency of the smooth saddle-focus in a neighborhood of homoclinic bifurcations. We symbolically encode the dynamics of the map in order to find stability windows and locate homoclinic bifurcation sets in a computationally efficient manner. The organization and possible shapes of homoclinic bifurcation curves in the parameter space are examined, taking into account the symmetry and discontinuity of the map. Sufficient conditions for stability and local symbolic constancy of the map are presented. This study provides insights into the structure of homoclinic bifurcations of the saddle-focus map, furthering comprehension of low-dimensional chaotic systems.
orbits homoclinic,bifurcation structure,interval maps,saddle-focus
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