Deep-underground Dark Matter Search with a COSINUS Detector Prototype
G. Angloher,M. R. Bharadwaj,I. Dafinei,N. Di Marco,L. Einfalt,F. Ferroni,S. Fichtinger,A. Filipponi,T. Frank,M. Friedl,A. Fuss,Z. Ge,M. Heikinheimo,M. N. Hughes,K. Huitu,M. Kellermann,R. Maji,M. Mancuso,L. Pagnanini,F. Petricca,S. Pirro,F. Proebst,G. Profeta,A. Puiu,F. Reindl,K. Schaeffner,J. Schieck,D. Schmiedmayer,C. Schwertner,K. Shera,M. Stahlberg,A. Stendahl,M. Stukel,C. Tresca,F. Wagner,S. Yue,V. Zema,Y. Zhu PHYSICAL REVIEW D(2024)
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Kinetic Inductance Detectors
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