Geometric Unification of Electromagnetism and Gravitation


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Using four equations, a recently proposed classical field theory that geometrically couples electromagnetism to gravitation in a fundamentally new way is reviewed. Maxwell’s field equations are a consequence of the new theory as are Einstein’s field equations augmented by a term that can replicate both dark matter and dark energy. To emphasize the unification brought to electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena by the new theory specific solutions are investigated: a spherically-symmetric charged particle solution, a cosmological solution representing a homogeneous and isotropic universe, and solutions representing electromagnetic and gravitational waves. A unique feature of the new theory is that both charge and mass density are treated as dynamic fields, this as opposed to their treatment in the classical Maxwell and Einstein field equations where they are introduced as external entities. This feature suggests a procedure for quantizing the mass, charge and angular momentum that characterize particle-like solutions. Finally, antimatter, which is naturally accommodated by the new theory, and its interaction with a gravitational field is investigated.
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