
Post-orogenic Exhumation Triggers Gold Mineralization in the Trans-Hudson Orogen: New Geochronology Results from the Lynn Lake Greenstone Belt, Manitoba, Canada

Precambrian research(2023)

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Metamorphic devolatilization is thought to be the critical process that can liberate gold from amphibolite facies source rocks to form orogenic gold deposits. However, a growing number of studies demonstrate that orogenic gold deposits are the product of multiple hydrothermal stages over 10 s to 100 s of Myr rather than one metallogenic event. Herein we report new geochronology results for orogenic gold deposits hosted within the Paleoproterozoic Lynn Lake greenstone belt (Manitoba, Canada) to address the knowledge gap. Garnet-hosted xenotime crystals, which occur in a folded pyrite veinlet with gold, yield a weighted average 207Pb/206Pb date at 1827 & PLUSMN; 8 Ma. This new and more precise age demonstrates that the earliest auriferous fluids at the MacLellan gold deposit coincided with the rapid burial of ca. 1836 Ma sedimentary rocks before regional metamorphism. New garnet-biotite geothermometry results further demonstrate that the earliest auriferous veins were preserved despite being metamorphosed to amphibolite facies conditions (505-689 degrees C). The peak metamorphic mineral assemblage is overprinted by: (1) the main xenotime- and gold-bearing deformation fabric (S2; 1790-1827 Ma); (2) an overprinting xenotime- and monazite-bearing S3 fabric that is also associated with gold-rich arsenopyrite (1769-1790 Ma); and (3) chlorite-hosted xenotime and gold (1747 & PLUSMN; 12 Ma) that are coeval with the oldest U-Pb apatite dates (1691-1740 Ma) and a prominent mode of 40Ar/39Ar biotite dates at ca. 1746 Ma. We suggest that the post-orogenic gold events are incompatible with the standard devolatilization model because they post-date subduction and peak-metamorphism by up to 80 Myr. Instead, the new geochronological results suggest that gold deposition at the MacLellan deposit was linked to burial and the subsequent exhumation of chemically reactive trap rocks through favourable temperature windows that allowed gold transport as sulphide complexes. Exhumation and far-field tectonics are interpreted as the most likely drivers of post-orogenic auriferous fluids rather than regional metamorphism and active subduction. This revised mineral systems model provides an explanation for the high prospectivity of high- and low-temperature mineral assemblages and suggests that mineral exploration should focus on the earliest ore-forming structures that are reactivated during multiple stages of orogenesis.
Gold,Geothermometry,Geochronology,Orogenic,Exhumation,Trans -Hudson
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