
Valuation of the genetic diversity of the plant plant, Plantago major L., with ISSR molecular markers in Borujerd region

Narjes Azadbar, Zahra sadat Mousavi Khansari,Mohammad Mehdi Dehshiri,Reza Yari

بیولوژی کاربردی(2022)

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Objective: Borujerd region in Lorestan province is one of the best and less known natural habitats of plantago major L. The aim of the current study is to identify its natural habitats in Borujerd region and to evaluate genetic diversity in ecotypes with ISSR molecular markers. Materials and methods: In this research, the genetic diversity of 23 samples from 6 populations of Plantago major L. was studied. The extracted DNA of all 23 samples was done by the kit method. 10 primers with international codes were used for PCR reaction. The presence or absence of the band was stored as a one/zero matrix in the SPSS program. Findings: Out of the total 1632 bands produced, 200 bands (alleles) were polymorphism, which was calculated as 24% of polymorphism. The length of the generated fragments varied between 300 and 1650 bp. Primer P8 produced the most common bands with 61 bands and primer P9 produced the least common bands with 7 bands in the populations. The highest number of amplified bands was 206 bands related to P8 primer and the lowest number of produced bands was 125 bands related to P5 primer. Conclusion: The results show that the ISSR genetic markers, especially the P8 primer, can be used in phylogenetic studies of leek plant. Despite its small area, Borujerd region is suitable for the growth of various ecotypes of the Plantago major L, and therefore the preservation and maintenance of this natural habitat and the propagation of different ecotypes should be considered.
borujard,genetic diversity,issr,plantago major l,upgma
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