An Extended Low-Density Atmosphere Around the Jupiter-sized Planet WASP-193 B
Khalid Barkaoui,Francisco J. Pozuelos,Coel Hellier,Barry Smalley,Louise D. Nielsen,Prajwal Niraula,Michael Gillon,Julien de Wit,Simon Mueller,Caroline Dorn,Ravit Helled,Emmanuel Jehin,Brice-Olivier Demory,Valerie Van Grootel,Abderahmane Soubkiou,Mourad Ghachoui,David. R. Anderson,Zouhair Benkhaldoun,Francois Bouchy,Artem Burdanov,Laetitia Delrez,Elsa Ducrot,Lionel Garcia,Abdelhadi Jabiri,Monika Lendl,Pierre F. L. Maxted,Catriona A. Murray,Peter Pihlmann Pedersen,Didier Queloz,Daniel Sebastian,Oliver Turner,Stephane Udry,Mathilde Timmermans,Amaury H. M. J. Triaud,Richard G. West NATURE ASTRONOMY(2024)
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