Obtaining of copper nanoparticles in combined RF+DC discharge plasma

R.E. Zhumadilov, A.T. Zhunisbekov,Sagi Orazbayev, М. Т. Габдуллин

ҚазҰТЗУ хабаршысы(2021)

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Copper nanoparticles are gaining more and more attention of researchers due to their properties such as high electrical conductivity, well-defined catalytic and antimicrobial effects, etc. The range of their application is extensive – scientific research, medicine, microelectronics and much more. To date, various methods for the synthesis of copper nanoparticles have been developed and successfully applied, in particular chemical, electrochemical, sonochemical, etc. But a significant drawback of such methods is the unsatisfactory purity of the resulting nanomaterial. In this work, a combined high-frequency discharge with an additional constant voltage (HF/DC) was used to obtain Cu particles. A technique for producing nanometer-sized copper particles was developed and studied, and as further analysis using a scanning electron microscope showed, the particles have a spherical shape with diameters ranging from 60 nm to 300 nm.
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copper nanoparticles,plasma
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