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Margin-Maximized Norm-Mixed Representation Learning for Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis with Multi-Level Flux Features.

Qing Xiao, Haozhe Xu, Zhiqin Chu,Qianjin Feng,Yu Zhang

IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering/IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering(2024)

Cited 0|Views17
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Early diagnosis and timely intervention are significantly beneficial to patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Although structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) has become an essential tool to facilitate the diagnosis of ASD, these sMRI-based approaches still have the following issues. The heterogeneity and subtle anatomical changes place higher demands for effective feature descriptors. Additionally, the original features are usually high-dimensional, while most existing methods prefer to select feature subsets in the original space, in which noises and outliers may hinder the discriminative ability of selected features. In this article, we propose a margin-maximized norm-mixed representation learning framework for ASD diagnosis with multi-level flux features extracted from sMRI. Specifically, a flux feature descriptor is devised to quantify comprehensive gradient information of brain structures on both local and global levels. For the multi-level flux features, we learn latent representations in an assumed low-dimensional space, in which a self-representation term is incorporated to characterize the relationships among features. We also introduce mixed norms to finely select original flux features for the construction of latent representations while preserving the low-rankness of latent representations. Furthermore, a margin maximization strategy is applied to enlarge the inter-class distance of samples, thereby increasing the discriminative ability of latent representations. The extensive experiments on several datasets show that our proposed method can achieve promising classification performance (the average area under curve, accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity on the studied ASD datasets are 0.907, 0.896, 0.892, and 0.908, respectively) and also find potential biomarkers for ASD diagnosis.
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Key words
Autism spectrum disorder,classification,flux feature descriptor,representation learning
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