
Long-term Influence of Chloroxylenol on Anaerobic Microbial Community: Performance, Microbial Interaction, and Antibiotic Resistance Gene Behaviors

Science of the total environment(2023)

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The use of antibacterial and disinfection products is increasing in recent years. Para-chloro-meta-xylenol (PCMX), a widely used antimicrobial agent, has been detected in various environments. Herein, the impacts of PCMX with long-term exposure on anaerobic sequencing batch reactors were investigated. The high concentration (50 mg/L, GH group) PCMX severely inhibited the nutrient removal process, and the low concentration group (0.5 mg/L, GL group) slightly affected the removal efficiency which was recovered after 120 days of adaptation compared to the control group (0 mg/L, GC group). Cell viability tests indicated that PCMX inactivated the microbes. A significant reduction in bacterial α-diversity was observed in the GH but not the GL group. The microbial communities were shifted upon PCMX exposure, among which Olsenella, Novosphingobium, and Saccharibacteria genera incertae Sedis became the predominant genera in the GH groups. Network analyses showed that PCMX significantly reduced the complexity and interactions of the microbial communities, consistent with the negative impacts on bioreactor performance. Real-time PCR analysis indicated that PCMX affected the behavior of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), and the relationship between ARGs and bacterial genera gradually became complicated after long-term exposure. Most detected ARGs decreased on Day 60 but increased on Day 120 especially in the GL group, implying the potential risk of environment-relevant concentration of PCMX in the ecosystems. This study provides new insights into the understanding of the impacts and risks of PCMX on wastewater treatment processes.
Para-chloro-meta-xylenol,Anaerobic sludge,Microbial community,Microbial interaction,Antibiotic resistance gene
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