Increasing Physical Activity Using an Just-in-time Adaptive Digital Assistant Supported by Machine Learning: A Novel Approach for Hyper-Personalised Mhealth Interventions.

Journal of biomedical informatics(2023)

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OBJECTIVE:Physical inactivity is a leading modifiable cause of death and disease worldwide. Population-based interventions to increase physical activity are needed. Existing automated expert systems (e.g., computer-tailored interventions) have significant limitations that result in low long-term effectiveness. Therefore, innovative approaches are needed. This special communication aims to describe and discuss a novel mHealth intervention approach that proactively offers participants with hyper-personalised intervention content adjusted in real-time.METHODS:Using machine learning approaches, we propose a novel physical activity intervention approach that can learn and adapt in real-time to achieve high levels of personalisation and user engagement, underpinned by a likeable digital assistant. It will consist of three major components: (1) conversations: to increase user's knowledge on a wide range of activity-related topics underpinned by Natural Language Processing; (2) nudge engine: to provide users with hyper-personalised cues to action underpinned by reinforcement learning (i.e., contextual bandit) and integrating real-time data from activity tracking, GPS, GIS, weather, and user provided data; (3) Q&A: to facilitate users asking any physical activity related questions underpinned by generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT, Bard) for content generation.RESULTS:The detailed concept of the proposed physical activity intervention platform demonstrates the practical application of a just-in-time adaptive intervention applying various machine learning techniques to deliver a hyper-personalised physical activity intervention in an engaging way. Compared to traditional interventions, the novel platform is expected to show potential for increased user engagement and long-term effectiveness due to: (1) using new variables to personalise content (e.g., GPS, weather), (2) providing behavioural support at the right time in real-time, (3) implementing an engaging digital assistant and (4) improving the relevance of content through applying machine learning algorithms.CONCLUSION:The use of machine learning is on the rise in every aspect of today's society, however few attempts have been undertaken to harness its potential to achieve health behaviour change. By sharing our intervention concept, we contribute to the ongoing dialogue on creating effective methods for promoting health and well-being in the informatics research community. Future research should focus on refining these techniques and evaluating their effectiveness in controlled and real-world circumstances.
Chatbot,Conversational agent,Exercise,Artificial intelligence,Behaviour change,Intervention
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