Plexcitonics: plasmon-exciton coupling for enhancing spectroscopy, optical chirality, and nonlinearity.


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Plexcitonics is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field that holds immense potential for the creation of innovative optical technologies and devices. This field focuses on investigating the interactions between plasmons and excitons in hybrid systems. In this review, we provide an overview of the fundamental principles of plasmonics and plexcitonics and discuss the latest advancements in plexcitonics. Specifically, we highlight the ability to manipulate plasmon-exciton interactions, the emerging field of tip-enhanced spectroscopy, and advancements in optical chirality and nonlinearity. These recent developments have spurred further research in the field of plexcitonics and offer inspiration for the design of advanced materials and devices with enhanced optical properties and functionalities.
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optical chirality,plasmon-exciton
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