
Sunflower Oil Winterization Using the Cellulose-Based Filtration Aid-Investigation of Oil Quality during Industrial Filtration Probe


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Waxes, phospholipids, free fatty acids, peroxides, aldehydes, soap, trace metals and moisture present in crude sunflower oil have a negative effect on the oil quality and are, therefore, removed during the refining process. Waxes crystallizing at low temperatures are removed during winterization by cooling and filtration. Waxes have poor filtration characteristics and an industrial filtration process must be enhanced by the use of filtration aids, which improve filter cake structure and properties, and consequently prolong the filtration cycle. Today, traditional filtration aids (diatomite, perlite, etc.) being used in the industry are frequently replaced by cellulose-based aids. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of oil filtration assisted by two cellulose-based filtration aids on the chemical parameters (wax, moisture, phospholipids, soaps, and fatty acids), oil transparency, carotenoids, and Fe and Cu content of sunflower oil obtained in an industrial horizontal pressure leaf filter. In order to investigate the mentioned parameters, the following techniques were used: gravimetric (waxes and moisture content), spectrophotometric (phospholipids and carotenoid content and oil transparency), volumetric (soaps and free fatty acids content) as well as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for Fe and Cu content. An artificial neural network model (ANN) was employed for the prediction of removal efficiency based on the chemical quality, oil transparency, Fe and Cu content in oils before filtration, as well as filtration aid quantity and filtration time. Cellulose-based filtration aids had multiple beneficial effects; on average, 99.20% of waxes, 74.88% of phospholipids, 100% of soap, 7.99% of carotenoids, 16.39% of Fe and 18.33% of Cu were removed.
sunflower oil,winterization,waxes,cellulose-based filtration aid,optimization
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