Assessment of the presence of UV filters and UV stabilizers in stranded dolphin blubber.

The Science of the total environment(2023)

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The presence of ultraviolet filters (UVFs) and stabilizers (UVSs) was evaluated for the first time in the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). UVFs and UVSs are compounds of growing concern because their effects on the environment are not completely known. UVFs and UVSs are added to personal care products (PCPs), such as cosmetics and products related to sun care and once released to the aquatic ecosystem, marine organisms can bioaccumulate these substances. This work aimed to determine the presence of 12 UVFs and UVSs in cetacean blubber samples to assess the pollution to which these animals of the highest trophic chain levels are exposed due to human activity. Analytical determinations were carried out using a method based on microwave-assisted extraction combined with ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry detection. The developed method was successfully applied to determine the target compounds in the blubber tissues of five necropsied common bottlenose dolphins. Three of the 12 studied compounds, namely 2-ethylhexyl 2-cyano-3,3-diphenylprop-2-enoate (octocrilene, OC), 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (benzophenone 3, BP3) and 3-methylbutyl (E)-3-(4methoxyphenyl) prop-2-enoate (IMC), were detected in several samples. Of the identified compounds, OC was present in all the samples and at the highest concentration within the range from 52.61 ± 18.59 to 108.0 ± 11.32 ng·g.
UV filters, UV stabilizers, Dolphin, Blubber, Microwave -assisted extraction, Ultrahigh -performance liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry detection
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