
Validation of X-ray Crystal Structure Ensemble Representations of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease by Solution NMR Residual Dipolar Couplings.

Journal of Molecular Biology/Journal of molecular biology(2023)

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Considerable debate has focused on whether sampling of molecular dynamics trajectories restrained by crystallographic data can be used to develop realistic ensemble models for proteins in their natural, solu-tion state. For the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, Mpro, we evaluated agreement between solution residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) and various recently reported multi-conformer and dynamic-ensemble crystallo-graphic models. Although Phenix-derived ensemble models showed only small improvements in crystal-lographic Rfree, substantially improved RDC agreement over fits to a conventionally refined 1.2-& DBLBOND;A X-ray structure was observed, in particular for residues with above average disorder in the ensemble. For a set of six lower resolution (1.55-2.19 & DBLBOND;A) Mpro X-ray ensembles, obtained at temperatures ranging from 100 to 310 K, no significant improvement over conventional two-conformer representations was found. At the residue level, large differences in motions were observed among these ensembles, suggesting high uncertainties in the X-ray derived dynamics. Indeed, combining the six ensembles from the temperature series with the two 1.2-& DBLBOND;A X-ray ensembles into a single 381-member "super ensemble" averaged these uncertainties and substantially improved agreement with RDCs. However, all ensembles showed excur-sions that were too large for the most dynamic fraction of residues. Our results suggest that further improvements to X-ray ensemble refinement are feasible, and that RDCs provide a sensitive benchmark in such endeavors. Remarkably, a weighted ensemble of 350 PDB Mpro X-ray structures provided slightly better cross-validated agreement with RDCs than any individual ensemble refinement, implying that dif-ferences in lattice confinement also limit the fit of RDCs to X-ray coordinates. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
ensemble refinement,backbone order parameter,structure validation,backbone dynamics,RDC
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