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Single-cell Sequencing Technology in Colorectal Cancer: a New Technology to Disclose the Tumor Heterogeneity and Target Precise Treatment

Frontiers in immunology(2023)

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Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is one of the most common gastrointestinal tumors, and its high tumor heterogeneity makes traditional sequencing methods incapable of obtaining information about the heterogeneity of individual cancer cells in CRC. Therefore, single-cell sequencing technology can be applied to better analyze the differences in genetic and protein information between cells, to obtain genomic sequence information of single cells, and to more thoroughly analyze the cellular characteristics and interactions in the CRC microenvironment. This will provide a more comprehensive understanding of colorectal cancer development and metastasis and indicate the treatment plan and prognosis. In this study, we review the application of single-cell sequencing to analyze the tumor microenvironment of CRC, explore the mechanisms involved in CRC metastasis and progression, and provide a reference for potential treatment options.
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Single-Cell,Cell Heterogeneity,Intratumor Heterogeneity
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