Measurements of fluoride production in Resistive Plate Chambers

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2023)

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Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are operated with a gas mixture made of C2H2F4, SF6 and iC4H10. It is well known that under the effect of a high electric field and radiation, the C2H2F4 molecule breaks into several compounds and free fluoride ions, which can accumulate under gas recirculation and could be harmful for the long-term detector operation. Furthermore, if High Pressure Laminate (HPL) electrodes are employed, the gas mixture is humidified and, in presence of water, the free fluoride ions become hydrofluoric acid (HF), a very reactive compound. The F− production depends on several factors such as radiation rate, gas flow, detector current and gas mixture. In this study we developed and tested two different set-ups for the F− concentration measurements by using an Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) station. The measurement on the F− production were performed on 2 mm gas gap bakelite RPC detector irradiated at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) with different absorption factors. Several gas mixtures were tested to understand how the formation of HF is affected. The F− production of the standard gas mixture was compared with the one of the standard gas mixture with the addition of 30% CO2 at several gamma rates. Different concentrations of SF6 were also investigated to understand if and how the SF6 could affect the F− production. Finally, two gas mixtures containing HFO1234ze, C2H2F4 and He or CO2 were used to study the RPC F− production in presence of the HFO1234ze, which is less stable in atmosphere with respect to the C2H2F4.
Resistive plate chamber,Gas analysis,Greenhouse gases,HFO,Fluoride,Environment friendly gas mixtures
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