
Multiple Upscaling Procedures for Gas Transfer in Tight Shale Matrix-Fracture Systems

Geoenergy science and engineering(2023)

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Multiple upscaling schemes for gas transfer in nanoporous media, microporous matrix, core-scale matrix, and centimeter-scale matrix-fracture systems are investigated. An Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP)-based parallelized multi-scale numerical solver for micro-gaseous flow in composite microporous media is developed by coupling the pore-scale multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method (MRT-LBM) and representative elementary volume (REV)-scale LBM model. The permeability of the microporous matrix is calculated through hundreds of pore-scale simulations for gas transfer in nanoporous media, before being imported into the REV-scale LBM to predict the core-scale matrix permeability. It is followed by the investigations of the variations of core-scale permeability with the heterogeneous spatial distribution of organic matter aggregates, mineral aggregates, interparticle pores, and microfractures. The parallel and sequential gas transfer processes in a larger shale system containing the tight matrix and hydraulic fractures are studied and analyzed. The results reveal several new insights: 1) the microscale spatial distribution of multiple constituents has relatively little effect on the core-scale permeability; 2) an ultra-large local pressure gradient occurs in a thin boundary layer of tight shale matrix, which is shown to be proportional to the square root of the permeability ratio, resulting in considerable flow characteristic velocity in the matrix; 3) the in-situ matrix-fracture transfer satisfies a sequential transport process due to a long equilibration time delay between the tight matrix and fractures; 4) the observed high production rate for tight shale may be caused by the ultra-large local pressure gradient in the matrix (and not by a large apparent permeability as commonly assumed). The results also reveal some anomalous phenomena for multiscale gas transfer in tight shale formations.
Upscaling of flow,Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM),Slippage effect,Multiscale flow,Shale gas
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