
Tree-ring Δ13c of Pinus Koraiensis is a Better Tracer of Gross Primary Productivity Than Tree-Ring Width Index in an Old-Growth Temperate Forest


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Tree-ring carbon (C) isotope composition (813C) varies depending on photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance, and it is therefore intrinsically associated with vegetation productivity. Still, very little is known about the relationship between tree-ring 813C values and forest gross primary productivity (GPP). Here, we investigated relationships between tree-ring 813C, tree-ring width index (RWI) and ecosystem-level GPP in a Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis)-dominated old-growth temperate forest in northeastern China. Specifically, we generated chronologies of RWI and 813C from early-wood (813CEW) and late-wood (813CLW) of Korean pines, and we built a 17-year continuous ecosystem-level GPP series using eddy covariance measurements, in which a GPP model was used for gap filling. RWI showed vague relationships with tree-ring 813C and whole-forest GPP, and it was insensitive to interannual variations in climate at the study site. By contrast, both 813CEW and 813CLW showed significant relationships with climate variables and GPP. This suggests that isotopic signals of photosynthetic C uptake were imprinted on the formation of tree rings and that tree-ring 813C of Korean pine is a better proxy for forest GPP than RWI. In addition, tree-ring 813C of Korean pines was positively correlated with GPP, with an especially close relationship between 813CEW and GPP of the current year. This implies that photosynthetic activity, rather than stomatal conductance, was the main driver of tree-ring 813C signals of Korean pine and it was mainly influenced by the climate conditions of the current year, probably because of a limited use of previously fixed C during early-wood formation. Our findings demonstrate the great potential of tree-ring 813C for reconstructing GPP timeseries at the centennial scale for forest ecosystems, and they could help to constrain parameters in terrestrial C cycle models to improve predictions of C fluxes.
Carbon cycle,Climate change,Dendrochronology,Eddy covariance,Forest CO 2 flux,Stable carbon isotope
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