The T-cell-directed vaccine BNT162b4 encoding conserved non-spike antigens protects animals from severe SARS-CoV-2 infection

Christina M. Arieta, Yushu Joy Xie,Daniel A. Rothenberg,Huitian Diao,Dewi Harjanto,Shirisha Meda, Krisann Marquart, Byron Koenitzer,Tracey E. Sciuto, Alexander Lobo,Adam Zuiani,Stefanie A. Krumm,Carla Iris Cadima Couto,Stephanie Hein,Andre P. Heinen,Thomas Ziegenhals, Yunpeng Liu-Lupo,Annette B. Vogel,John R. Srouji,Stephanie Fesser, Kaushik Thanki, Kerstin Walzer, Theresa A. Addona, Ozlem Tureci, Ugur Sahin, Richard B. Gaynor,Asaf Poran


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T cell responses play an important role in protection against beta-coronavirus infections, including SARS-CoV-2, where they associate with decreased COVID-19 disease severity and duration. To enhance T cell im-munity across epitopes infrequently altered in SARS-CoV-2 variants, we designed BNT162b4, an mRNA vac-cine component that is intended to be combined with BNT162b2, the spike-protein-encoding vaccine. BNT162b4 encodes variant-conserved, immunogenic segments of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid, mem-brane, and ORF1ab proteins, targeting diverse HLA alleles. BNT162b4 elicits polyfunctional CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses to diverse epitopes in animal models, alone or when co-administered with BNT162b2 while preserving spike-specific immunity. Importantly, we demonstrate that BNT162b4 protects hamsters from severe disease and reduces viral titers following challenge with viral variants. These data sug-gest that a combination of BNT162b2 and BNT162b4 could reduce COVID-19 disease severity and duration caused by circulating or future variants. BNT162b4 is currently being clinically evaluated in combination with the BA.4/BA.5 Omicron-updated bivalent BNT162b2 (NCT05541861).
SARS-CoV-2,COVID-19,viral variants,mRNA T cell vaccine,vaccine design,HLA ligandomics,T cell responses,immune protection
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