Reconsidering the role of interpersonal stress in eating pathology: Sensitivity to rejection might be more important than actual experiences of peer stress


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Rejection sensitivity (i.e., the tendency to anxiously expect, readily perceive, and overreact to real or perceived rejection) is theorized to play a role in the onset and maintenance of disordered eating. Although rejection sensitivity has repeatedly been associated with eating pathology in clinical and community samples, the pathways through which this psychological trait influences eating pathology have been not fully established. The current study investigated peer-related stress, which can be influenced by rejection sensitivity and is associated with eating pathology, as a mechanism linking these constructs. In two samples of women – 189 first-year undergraduate students and 77 community women with binge eating – we examined whether rejection sensitivity was indirectly associated with binge eating and weight/shape concerns via ostracism and peer victimization, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Our hypotheses were not supported: there were no indirect associations between rejection sensitivity and eating pathology via interpersonal stress in either sample. However, we did find that rejection sensitivity was directly associated with weight/shape concerns in both samples and with binge eating in the clinical sample in cross-sectional (but not longitudinal) analyses. Our findings suggest that the association between rejection sensitivity and disordered eating is not dependent on actual experiences of interpersonal stress. That is, simply anticipating or perceiving rejection may be sufficient to play a role in eating pathology. As such, interventions targeting rejection sensitivity may be helpful in the treatment of eating pathology.
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Rejection sensitivity, Ostracism, Victimization, Binge eating, Weight concerns, Shape concerns
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