
Hypoxia Depletes Contaminating CD45+ Hematopoietic Cells from Bone Marrow Stromal Cell (BMSC) Cultures: Methods for BMSC Culture Purification


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SUMMARYCulture expanded bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) are easily isolated, can be grown rapidly en masse, and contain both skeletal stem cells (SSCs) and multipotent mesenchymal progenitors (MMPs). Despite this functional heterogeneity, BMSC cultures continue to be utilized for many applications due to the lack of definitive and universally accepted markers to prospectively identify and purify SSCs. Isolation of BMSCs is widely based on their adherence to tissue culture plastic; however, this method poses unique challenges when working with murine models. In particular, hematopoietic cell contamination is a significant impediment during the isolation or murine BMSCs. Several strategies to reduce hematopoietic contamination have been developed with varying levels of success. In this study, we found that up to 60% of cells isolated in standard BMSC cultures expressed the hematopoietic marker CD45. Remarkably, when cultured at a physiological oxygen tension of 1% O2, there was a 10-fold reduction in hematopoietic cells associated with a concomitant increase in PDGFRα+ expressing stromal cells. This finding was due, in part, to a differential response of the two populations to low oxygen tension, or hypoxia. Specifically, in standard tissue culture conditions of 21% O2, CD45+ hematopoietic cells showed increased proliferation coupled with no observable changes in cell death when compared to their counterparts grown at 1% O2. In contrast, PDGFRα+ stromal cells responded to hypoxia by increasing proliferation and exhibiting a 10-fold decrease in cell death. In summary, we describe a simple and reliable method exploiting the divergent biological response of hematopoietic and stromal cells to hypoxia to significantly increase the PDGFRα+ stromal cell population in murine BMSC cultures.
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