
Effect of Conventional and Minimum Tillage, Combine Use of Organic Manure and Synthetic Based Fertilizers with Foliar Spray of Zinc Sulphate for Sustaining Wheat Productivity, Quality and Status of Soil Fertility

Manoj Kumar,Vikram Singh, Km. Nikam Kumari, SAGAR KUMAR,Rajiv Nandan,Thomas Abraham


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Intensive cultivation and excess chemical fertilizer continuous tillage activity have shown that environmental, soil & water degradation in South Asia has produced serious problems in soil health or agricultural development with a rise in population. The desire for renewable alternatives has therefore been underestimated. The effect on cropping efficiency, machine productivity and development economy of two tillage cum (Vermicompost and FYM manure, Urea, and DAP) or two facts regarding the application of foliar spray and without zinc fertilizers were evaluated. Conventional tillage (1 ploughing by tractor drawn disc plough + 2 harrowing + 1 fb cultivator with planking) increased grain yield (10.85 percent) and (7.21), both during the first and second years of experimental plots, over minimum tillage (1 ploughing by tractor drawn rotavator) (MT). The improved grain output of wheat was primarily due to increased tiller development in CT treatments during both the years. Similarly, maximum most of the growth attributes, productivity components and physical quality charcters were recorded in CT tillage practice. In the joint management of inorganic or organic nitrogen, significant and maximum grain (4.63 t/ha) and straw (8.97 t/ha) yield, weight of spike (2.68 g), length of grain (6.49 mm), breadth of grain (3.29 mm) and length: breadth ratio of grain (1.98) were recorded during 2015-16, However purely chemical fertilizer applied treatment recorded during first year significant and maximum number of tillers per hill (3.14), leaf area index (2.31), plant dry matter (13.09 g plant-1), grain yield (4.00 t ha-1), straw yield (7.87 t ha-1), number of grains per spike (42.42) and weight of spike (2.62 g), respectively.Soil cultivation by CT with fertilized fertilizer at the prescribed total dose of nitrogen 120 kg/ha, in which ½ nitrogen through organic (Vermicompost 3000 kg/ha) and ½ through inorganic (Urea, 117.69 kg/ha and (Diammonium phosphate (DAP) 32.60 kg/ha) during second year with foliar applications of zinc (2.50 kg/ha) were found to increase crop productivity and resilience in management.Soil chemical quality status increased after second year of experiment in combined used of MT (1 ploughing by tractor drawn rotavator) and organic (Vermicompost 4500 kg/ha) and inorganic fertilization ½ through inorganic (Urea, 44.16 kg/ha and (Diammonium phosphate (DAP) 48.91kg/ha) with foliar applications of zinc (2.50 kg/ha).
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