
Translation and Adaptation of the Spanish Version of the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screening CATS-C following ITC Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Test


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The aim of this report is to present each of the stages taken to adapt the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screening (CATS-C) to Spanish.Each stage has been carried out rigorously, following the ITC Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests (Second Edition, 2017) published by the ITC (International Test Commission). This guide sets out a series of procedures and standards of good practice to be followed in order to comply with both legal and ethical principles and the standards of good practice established in relation to the use of tests in research.The Spanish adaptation of the CATS-C has been carried out by different members of the Believe Project. The Believe Project is part of the Pnínsula Research Group, which is located in The Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center at the University of Granada (Spain). This project centers on psychological and neuropsychological impairments acquired by female victims and survivors of intimate partner violence. A high percentage of women suffering intimate partner violence develop PTSD.In turn, we will carry out a similar project with the children who are victims and survivors of IPV with adapted test for this population. We will include the CATS-C questionnaire to measure posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as we have done previously with the adults version for female survivors of IPV. We consider that a high percentage of women suffering intimate partner violence develop PTSD and their children can develop PTSD as direct or indirect victims too. For this reason, our research group is interested in translating a specific measure for PTSD for children and adolescents following DSM-5 criteria.
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