
Decadal Changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in High-Resolution Simulations of the Subpolar North Atlantic


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A series of global ocean - sea ice model simulations is used to investigate the spatial structure and temporal variability of the sinking branch of the meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) in the subpolar North Atlantic. The experiments include hindcast simulations of the last six decades based on the high-resolution (1/20°) VIKING20X-model forced by the CORE and JRA55-do reanalysis products, supplemented by sensitivity studies with a 1/4°-configuration (ORCA025) aimed at elucidating the roles of variations in the wind stress and buoyancy fluxes. The experiments exhibit different multi-decadal trends in the AMOC, reflecting the well-known sensitivity of ocean-only models to subtle details in the configuration of the subarctic freshwater forcing. All experiments, however, concur in that the dense, southward branch of the overturning is mainly fed by “sinking” (in density space) in the Irminger and Iceland Basins, in accordance with the first results of the OSNAP observational program. Remarkably, the contribution of the Labrador Sea has remained small throughout the whole simulation period, even during the phase of extremely strong convection in the early 1990s: i.e., the rate of deep water exported from the subpolar North Atlantic by the DWBC off Newfoundland never differed by more than O(1 Sv) from the DWBC entering the Labrador Sea at Cape Farewell. The model solutions indicate a particular concentration of the sinking along the deep boundary currents south of the Denmark Straits and south of Iceland, pointing to a prime importance for the AMOC of the outflows from the Nordic Seas and their subsequent enhancement by the entrainment of intermediate waters. Since these include the water masses formed by deep convection in the Labrador and southern Irminger Seas, our study offers an alternative interpretation of the dynamical role of decadal changes in Labrador Sea convection intensity in terms of a remote effect on the deep transports established in the outflow regimes.
Oceanic Modeling,Tidal Analysis,Ocean Circulation
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