
Energy-Dispersive Field-Aligned Warm Ion Enhancement in the Plasma Sheet During a Substorm Growth Phase: A THEMIS Event

Journal of geophysical research Space physics(2023)

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We present an event of field-aligned warm (10-1,000 eV) ion enhancement with an energy-dispersion signature with increasing energy that has never been reported before and propose that such dispersion was a result of outflow ions being gradually accelerated by intensifying upward field-aligned potential. The energy-dispersive enhancement with increasing energy from similar to 20 eV up to several hundreds of eV in similar to 10 min was observed in the plasma sheet around 01 hr magnetic local time by two spacecraft at r similar to 7 and 9 R-E, respectively, with the spacecraft at larger r observing the dispersion similar to 20 min earlier than the other. This event occurred during the growth phase of a small non-storm time substorm. Observations in the ionosphere and ground in the vicinity of the spacecraft's footprint indicate that the magnetospheric convection and field-aligned currents (FACs) were enhanced and there was an indication of upward field-aligned potential associated with FACs. We propose that enhanced Poynting flux associated with enhanced convection first drove similar to 20 eV outflow ions to the plasma sheet to cause the initial enhancement, then the increasing intensities of FACs and the associated upward field-aligned potential gradually increased the energy of the outflow ions to above 100 eV, thus resulting in the observed energy-dispersive enhancement with increasing energy. In addition, the earthward penetration of FACs may explain why the enhancements were observed at larger r earlier.
ion outflow,energy dispersion,plasma sheet,enhanced convection,field-aligned currents,field-aligned potential
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