Polymeric Bowl-Shaped Nanoparticles: Hollow Structures with a Large Opening on the Surface


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Polymeric bowl-shaped nanoparticles (BNPs) are anisotropic hollow structures with large openings on the surface, which have shown advantages such as high specific area and efficient encapsulation, delivery and release of large-sized cargoes on demand compared to solid nanoparticles or closed hollow structures. Several strategies have been developed to prepare BNPs based on either template or template-free methods. For instance, despite the widely used self-assembly strategy, alternative methods including emulsion polymerization, swelling and freeze-drying of polymeric spheres, and template-assisted approaches have also been developed. It is attractive but still challenging to fabricate BNPs due to their unique structural features. However, there is still no comprehensive summary of BNPs up to now, which significantly hinders the further development of this field. In this review, the recent progress of BNPs will be highlighted from the perspectives of design strategies, preparation methods, formation mechanisms, and emerging applications. Moreover, the future perspectives of BNPs will also be proposed.
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Key words
amphiphilic polymer,bowl-shaped nanoparticles,nanomotor,self-assembly
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