Using a Checklist-Based Electronic Calculation Aid and Contextual Cues to Assist Medication Dose Calculation and Calculation Resumption after Interruptions

International journal of industrial ergonomics(2023)

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Objectives: To examine whether (1) the use of a checklist-based electronic calculation aid enhanced medication dose calculation and reduced the negative effects of interruptions on calculation, and (2) the use of contextual cues facilitated the resumption of calculation after an interruption.Methods: Sixty students in healthcare majors participated in two computer-based laboratory experiments. Experiment 1 examined the effects of the calculation aid and interruptions on calculation error rate, calculation completion time, and perception outcomes. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of contextual cues on resumption error rate, calculation error rate, calculation completion time, and perception outcomes.Results: In Experiment 1, calculation error rates were lower for participants who received the calculation aid versus those who did not, and for uninterrupted calculations versus interrupted calculations, although the dif-ferences were not statistically significant.The participants spent significantly less time completing the calculation task with the use of the calculation aid than without the use of the calculation aid, and in the case without interruptions than in the case with interruptions. In Experiment 2, the use of contextual cues associated with previous actions significantly reduced the resumption error rate and the completion time of the medication dose calculation. Both experiments showed that the use of the calculation aid and contextual cues was associated with positive attitudes toward the aid and cues, reduced mental effort, and/or higher confidence in task performance.Conclusions: The use of the checklist-based electronic calculation aid and contextual cues facilitated medication dose calculation and resumption after interruptions and thus has the potential to improve medication safety and work efficiency in healthcare.
Checklist-based calculation aid,Contextual cues,Medication dose calculation,Interruption,Medication safety
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