The Mediating Role of Moral Self-Regulations between Automated Essay Scoring Adoption, Students' Character and Academic Integrity among Indonesian Higher Education Sector


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Purpose: The primary objective of the current study is to determine how the utmost level of moral self-regulation influences and ensures academic integrity. The use of automated essay scoring techniques for exam evaluation is to prevent cheating. Assessing students' character developed throughout their careers is crucial in ensuring academic integrity. Academic and research dishonesty and lack of integrity have been reported in the Indonesian higher education sector; therefore, academic integrity must be addressed immediately. Design/Methodology: A questionnaire was utilized to obtain quantitative data for this study to assess the relationship between variables. The variables' measurement scales were adopted from previous research, and data were collected for analysis. The collected data was then analyzed using AMOS21, and the results were formulated. Findings: The analysis results indicate that academic integrity is influenced by automated techniques and the students' character, developed throughout their entire educational career; therefore, higher education institutions should develop and implement programs that build character. The relationship between exogenous and endogenous constructs is mediated by moral self-regulation, which influences academic integrity. Limitations of Research: The research has numerous limitations. First, the study uses a cross-sectional design; future research should evaluate academic integrity using longitudinal analysis. The pre- and post-evaluation of such integrity and morality programs should be included. (c) 2022 Ani Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Automated Essay Scoring Assessment, Moral Self-Regulations, Students' Character, Academic Integrity
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