
Implementation of Extrinsic Cohesive Zone Model (ECZM) in 2D Finite-Discrete Element Method (FDEM) Using Node Binding Scheme

Computers and Geotechnics(2023)

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The combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) has been widely used for rock fracturing simulations. Conventionally, FDEM is realized using the intrinsic cohesive zone model (ICZM); however, it has the drawback of artificial compliance and high computational expense. As a complement, the extrinsic cohesive zone model (ECZM) is seen to be realized in FDEM recently, whereas the node splitting scheme utilized is cumbersome. Here, within the framework of ICZM-based FDEM, we propose a node binding scheme to efficiently bind the pre-discretized finite elements and thus guarantee the continuum behavior of materials in the elastic stage. The yield surfaces, controlled by ECZM, are dynamically embedded by invoking the pre-inserted cohesive elements. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach are validated and tested by performing a suite of numerical experiments. Compared with ICZM-based FDEM, the proposed approach can correctly capture material deformation and reduce the computation cost. In contrast to the existing ECZM-based FDEM, the proposed approach can overcome the frequent and complex element topology updating. This work provides a novel perspective that fully inherits the advantages of both ICZM and ECZM, but circumvents their shortcomings, which guarantees a more efficient and effective simulation of brittle material evolution from continuum to discontinuum.
Combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM),Cohesive element,Extrinsic cohesive zone model (ECZM),Intrinsic cohesive zone model (ICZM),Node binding scheme,Rock fracturing simulations
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