
Carbon Dioxide Reduction: A Bioinspired Catalysis Approach.

Accounts of Chemical Research(2021)

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ConspectusWhile developed in a number of directions, bioinspired catalysis has been explored only very recently for CO2 reduction, a challenging reaction of prime importance in the context of the energetic transition to be built up. This approach is particularly relevant because nature teaches us that CO2 reduction is possible, with low overpotentials, high rates, and large selectivity, and gives us unique clues to design and discover new interesting molecular catalysts. Indeed, on the basis of our relatively advanced understanding of the structures and mechanisms of the active sites of fascinating metalloenzymes such as formate dehydrogenases (FDHs) and CO dehydrogenases (CODHs), it is possible to design original, active, selective, and stable molecular catalysts using the bioinspired approach. These metalloenzymes use fascinating metal centers: in FDHs, a Mo(W) mononuclear ion is coordinated by four sulfur atoms provided by a specific organic ligand, molybdopterin (MPT), containing a pyranopterin heterocycle (composed of a pyran ring fused with a pterin unit) and two sulfhydryl groups for metal chelation; in CODHs, catalytic activity depends on either a unique nickel-iron-sulfur cluster or a dinuclear Mo-Cu complex in which the Mo ion is chelated by an MPT ligand. As a consequence, the novel class of catalysts, designed by bioinspiration, consists of mononuclear Mo, W, and Ni and as well as dinuclear Mo-Cu and Ni-Fe complexes in which the metal ions are coordinated by sulfur ligands, more specifically, dithiolene chelates mimicking the natural MPT cofactor. In general, their activity is evaluated in electrochemical systems (cyclic voltammetry and bulk electrolysis) or in photochemical systems (in the presence of a photosensitizer and a sacrificial electron donor) in solution. This research is multidisciplinary because it implies detailed biochemical, functional, and structural characterization of the inspiring enzymes together with synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry and molecular catalysis studies. The most important achievements in this direction, starting from the first report of a catalytically active biomimetic bis-dithiolene-Mo complex in 2015, are discussed in this Account, highlighting the challenging issues associated with synthesis of such sophisticated ligands and molecular catalysts as well as the complexity of reaction mechanisms. While the very first active biomimetic catalysts require further improvement, in terms of performance, they set the stage in which molecular chemistry and enzymology can synergistically cooperate for a better understanding of why nature has selected these sites and for developing highly active catalysts.
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