
NCBI submission protocol for microbial pathogen surveillance v5


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PURPOSE: Step-by-step instructions for submitting pathogen whole genome sequence data to NCBI and to the NCBI Pathogen Detection portal. This protocol covers the steps needed to establish a new NCBI submission environment for your laboratory, including the creation of new BioProject(s) and submission groups. Once these are step up, the protocol then walks through the process for submitting raw reads to SRA and sample metadata to BioSample through the Submission portal. SCOPE: for use by any laboratory submitting WGS data for species under active surveillance within NCBI’s Pathogen Detection. (This includes US laboratories in GenomeTrakr, NARMS, Vet-LIRN, PulseNet, and other non-US networks and submitters). For new submitters, there's quite a bit of groundwork that needs to be established before a laboratory can start its first data submission. We recommend that one person in the laboratory take a few days to get everything set up in advance of when you expect to do your first data submission. If you need a pipeline for frequent or large volume submissions, follow Step 1 to get your NCBI submission environment established, then contact to set up an account for submitting through the API. This protocol covers submission using NCBI's Submission Portal web-interface. Version history: V5: Linking directly to the metadata template guidance instead of including duplicate copies of the files in this protocol. Updated screenshot for choosing the pathogen template to reflect changes at NCBI. V4: updated screenshots to reflect NCBI submission portal changes. Updated custom BioSample template.
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