
Coupling Pressure-Temperature and Time Constraints in Greenschist- and Amphibolite-Facies Polymetamorphic Rocks: a Case Study from the Austroalpine Unit (eastern Alps, Austria)


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In low-grade metamorphic units, precise thermobarometric and geochronologic data are often ambiguous or entirely lacking, thus complicating the temporal interpretation of metamorphism and hampering the identification of complex polymetamorphic histories. We present new P-T-t-D data from samples collected in two Austroalpine nappes exposed in the Eastern Alps, Austria: the structurally upper greenschist-facies Schöckel Nappe (“Graz Paleozoic,” Drauzug-Gurktal Nappe System) and the structurally lower amphibolite-facies Waxenegg Nappe (Koralpe-Wölz Nappe System). Although polymetamorphism was previously inferred from garnet zonation indicating multiphase growth in the Waxenegg Nappe, the timing of metamorphism is poorly resolved and only limited geochronology exists in the Schöckel Nappe.Detailed petrographic investigations revealed that the chloritoid-bearing phyllite and micaschist of the Schöckel Nappe contain allanite that occasionally show partial replacement by small (<10 µm) monazite and thorite. Large (up to 500 µm) monazite exhibiting distinct core-rim chemical zoning were observed in the garnet-bearing micaschist of the Waxenegg Nappe. Careful documentation of the microstructural phase relations, thermodynamic modeling in the MnCNKFMASHT system, Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous matter and in-situ LA-ICPMS U-(Th)-Pb dating of the accessory phases allow us to reconstruct a first metamorphic imprint at ~560°C and 4 kbar in the Waxenegg Nappe at c. 270 Ma (Permian event). Overprinting occurred at ~540°C and 8-10 kbar at c. 90 Ma (Eo-Alpine event). In the Schöckel Nappe, peak metamorphic conditions of ~470°C and 3-4 kbar existed during the Permian event at c. 260 Ma and the Eo-Alpine event in the upper part of the nappe did not exceed lower to middle greenschist-facies conditions.Our results provide unequivocal evidence for Permian metamorphism in the Schöckel Nappe, which was hitherto unknown in this part of the Austroalpine Unit. Moreover, it demonstrates that the main metamorphic signature in this unit occurred during the Permian event and that the Eo-Alpine overprint is relatively lower grade than previously proposed. Combined with the data from the Waxenegg Nappe, there is an obvious marked increase in the Eo-Alpine peak conditions of ~130°C and 5 kbar across the nappe contact with higher grade in the footwall compared to the hanging wall. This is consistent with the existence of a major normal fault between the Drauzug-Gurktal Nappe System and the Koralpe-Wölz Nappe System in the easternmost part of the Austroalpine Unit, as already identified in its central and western parts. Modern thermobarometric analytical approaches coupled with high spatial resolution geochronology on accessory minerals is allowing a more thorough assessment of the subtle metamorphic histories recorded in the fundamentally important low-grade units of orogens.
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