
Study of Digestive Tract Diseases in Cats

Advances in biological sciences research/Advances in Biological Sciences Research(2022)

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The cat's digestive tract is one of the vital systems that often facing the deadly diseases.This study aims to identify digestive system disorders/diseases in cats.A total of 100 cats of various breeds and ages with one or more symptoms of digestive disorders was used in this study.All cats were physically examined and many cats followed by fecal and blood examined.The examination results were analyzed to determine the diagnosis.The results showed that digestive system disorders were found in cats, 49/100 (49%) aged 1-6 month-old, 27/100 cats (27%) were 7-12 month-old, 24/100 cats (24%) were > 12 month-old.Moreover, it was commonly found in male (67%) than in female cats (33%).The dominant diseases were gastritis and/or enteritis (61%), stomatitis, glossitis and/or gingivitis (16%), and helminthiasis (14%).The main parasites were gastrointestinal worms including Ancylostoma sp, Toxocara sp., and Diphylidium sp.The rest of the digestive disorders that were slightly found in this study were poisoning (4%), anal prolapse (2%), constipation (1%), mandibular fracture (1%), and tumour (1%).Concluded that the kitten and tom were found to be more susceptible to the digestive tract disorders compared to adult cats and queen.The most cases of digestive tract diseases found in this study were the disorders of the stomach, intestines, and oral cavity, as well as helminthiasis by 91%.Meanwhile, the less cases of digestive tract diseases (9%), were poisoning, prolapse ani, constipation, fractures, and tumours.
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