
The Chemical Components of Dufour’s and Venom Gland of Camponotus japonicus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)


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Abstract Dufour’s and venom gland are the two most developed glands which connected with the female reproductive organs, and they play many important roles in defense, foraging, information exchange and reproduction of ants. Their main chemical secretions varied between ant species, even castes of the same ant species. In this study the chemical components of the Dufour’s and venom glands in different castes of Camponotus jamponicus (original worker, minor worker, major worker, gyne and queen) were analyzed by using gas chromatography–mass spectrometer (GC–MS) with two sample processing methods (Hexane solution method and solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME)). The secretion of Dufour’s gland is characterized with high ratio of alkanes and many kinds of alcohols, esters and alkenes, in which, n-Undecane is the dominant secretion in all castes except the original workers and its proportion significantly varies among castes. The secretion of venom gland mainly includes alkanes, acids, some ketones and alcohols, in which, Formic acid and n-Undecane are dominant components and their proportion shows obviously different among castes. Therefore, the chemical composition and the proportion of the main components of the two glands are significantly different among castes which should be closely related to the labor division in their social life. This study provides basic information for us to further understand the function of the two glands in the social life of ants.
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