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Morphogenetic Design of Self-Organized Correlated Disordered Electromagnetic Media

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

Cited 1|Views6
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The last decades witnessed the emergence of the fieldof correlateddisordered media, a great challenge offering a large panel of newperspectives for applications in theoretical modeling and materialfabrication. The efficient design of structures with a controlledlevel of spatial correlation is a central challenge in this field,in a context where existing techniques generally rely on gradientdescent on nonconvex functions and on the use of stochastic methodsto explore vast design spaces more efficiently. In this work, we proposea new generative technique based on Alan Turing's morphogenesistheory for designing correlated disordered materials. Inspired bythe structuring of living organisms, this technique relies on thedefinition of simple local interactions guiding the self-organizationof a generated medium. The decentralization of design constraintsand the elimination of cost function minimization make this approachnatively scalable to the design of large domains with controlled levelsof disorder. As a validation, the morphogenetic generation of stealthyhyperuniform disordered structures is exploited to reproduce an experimentof isotropic electromagnetic bandgap synthesis in the microwave rangeusing a low refractive index contrast.
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morphogenesis,self-organized pattern,stealthyhyperuniform disordered structure,isotropic photonic bandgap
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