Quantum metric nonlinear Hall effect in a topological antiferromagnet

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Quantum geometry - the geometry of electron Bloch wavefunctions - is central to modern condensed matter physics. Due to the quantum nature, quantum geometry has two parts, the real part quantum metric and the imaginary part Berry curvature. The studies of Berry curvature have led to countless breakthroughs, ranging from the quantum Hall effect in 2DEGs to the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in ferromagnets. However, in contrast to Berry curvature, the quantum metric has rarely been explored. Here, we report a new nonlinear Hall effect induced by quantum metric by interfacing even-layered MnBi2Te4 (a PT-symmetric antiferromagnet (AFM)) with black phosphorus. This novel nonlinear Hall effect switches direction upon reversing the AFM spins and exhibits distinct scaling that suggests a non-dissipative nature. Like the AHE brought Berry curvature under the spotlight, our results open the door to discovering quantum metric responses. Moreover, we demonstrate that the AFM can harvest wireless electromagnetic energy via the new nonlinear Hall effect, therefore enabling intriguing applications that bridges nonlinear electronics with AFM spintronics.
metric nonlinear hall effect,quantum
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