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Size Distribution of Inactivated Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus Particles Revealed by a Comprehensive Physical-chemical Approach

Andrey V. Moiseenko,Dmitry V. Bagrov, Mikhail F. Vorovich, Viktoria I. Uvarova,Maxim M. Veselov, Anastasia V. Kashchenko,Alla L. Ivanova, Dmitry I. Osolodkin,Alexey M. Egorov,Aydar A. Ishmukhametov, Konstantin V. Shaitan, Olga S. Sokolova


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Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is a RNA-containing enveloped virus, a member of the Flaviviridae family. Here we describe a detailed analysis of the size and structure of inactivated TBEV (the Sofyin-Chumakov TBEV strain, used in vaccines). Four analytical methods were used to analyze individual TBEV particles—negative staining TEM, cryo-EM, AFM, and NTA. All methods confirmed that the particles were monodisperse, and their mean size was ~50 nm. Cryo-EM data were used to obtain a 3D electron density model of the virus with clearly distinguishable E-proteins. STEM-EELS analysis detected phosphorous in the particles, which was interpreted as the RNA signal. Altogether, the described analytical procedures can be valuable for the further analysis of vaccine inactivated virus samples.
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