Nasopharyngeal Relapse of Conjunctival Melanoma Four (04) Years after Complete Resection: About One (01) Case

Souleymane Panandtigri, Meryeme Charkaoui, Nioka Pierre Xavier Sia,Tarik Chekrine, Mouna Bourhafour,Zineb Bouchbika,Nadia Benchakroun,Hassan Jouhadi,Nezha Tawfiq,Souha Sahraoui, Abdellatif Abdellatif


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Context: Malignant melanoma of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx is extremely rare. Despite improved diagnostic capabilities, these lesions are often diagnosed at an advanced stage and the prognosis is poor, in part related to the high rate of recurrence and metastasis. Case Presentation: We report one (01) case of relapse of a malignant mucous melanoma of the nasopharynx, four (04) years after complete conjunctival resection in a fifty (50) year old woman. Before the signs of call for epistaxis, an X-ray workup performed showed a nasopharyngeal tumor, followed by surgical resection with bilateral cervical lymph node dissection. Histology reveals a malignant melanoma without lymph node involvement. Adjuvant radiotherapy was delivered. The control by emission of positron (PET) at six (06) months after the end of adjuvant treatment did not find any lesions. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a diagnosis of nasopharyngeal melanoma after four (04) years of complete remission. In view of the aggressive high rate of recurrence and metastasis, close monitoring and radiological workup at the slightest sign of calling should be required. Thus, the diagnosis will be made at an early stage which could improve the prognosis.
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