Exploring plasmon weakly coupling to perovskite exciton with tunable emission by energy transfer

Chinese Physics B(2022)

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Abstract Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) has caused extensive concern and achieved widespread applications in optoelectronics. However, the plasmon-exciton weakly coupling in a nanometal/semiconductor system remains to be investigated via energy transfer. Herein, bandgap tunable perovskite films were synthesized to adjust the emission peaks, for further coupling with a stable localized surface plasmons from gold nanoparticles. The steady-state and transient photoluminescence (PL) about mismatch degree were investigated systematically for two different cases of gold nanoparticles directly contacting and insulated. The results demonstrated the process of tuning emission coupled to LSPR via wavelength-dependent photoluminescence intensity in the samples with insulating spacer. For the direct contact case, the decreased radiative decay rate involves rapid plasmon resonance energy transfer to perovskite semiconductor and non-radiative energy transfer to metal nanoparticles in near-field range.
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