
Commodity Demand: Drivers, Outlook, and Implications

The World Bank eBooks(2022)

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No AccessDec 2022Commodity Demand: Drivers, Outlook, and ImplicationsAuthors/Editors: John Baffes, Peter NagleJohn BaffesSearch for more papers by this author, Peter NagleSearch for more papers by this author ChaptersFull TextPDF (53.3 MB) ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack Citations ShareFacebookTwitterLinked In Abstract: Reports that commodity consumption has surged over the past half century, with metal commodities leading the way, their consumption rising fourfold between 1970 and 2019, followed by a threefold increase in consumption of energy and agricultural commodities. Key drivers of this growth include income and population growth, with demand for metals the most responsive to rising income. Technological innovations have heavily influenced the commodity intensity of output by boosting efficiency in the consumption and production of commodities. Government policies, through taxes, subsidies, and regulation, have also had strong effects. These factors, along with changes in relative prices reflecting the relative scarcity of resources, affect the composition of demand as well as the total. Over the decades ahead, the energy transition should prove a primary driver of substitution among commodity groups. The switch to low-carbon sources of energy will likely reduce consumption of hydrocarbons but increase consumption of the metals used to produce clean energy, such as copper. ReferencesAdeyemi, I O and L C Hunt. 2007. “Modelling OECD Industrial Energy Demand: Asymmetric Price Responses and Energy-Saving Technical Change.” Energy Economics 29 (4): 693-709. CrossrefGoogle ScholarAghion, P, C Antonin, and S Bunel. 2021. The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Google ScholarAkiyama, T and P Varangis. 1990. “The Impact of the International Coffee Agreement on Producing Countries.” World Bank Economic Review 4 (2): 157-73. 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