Co-clustering of EphB6 and Ephrinb1 in Trans Restrains Cancer Cell Invasion


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EphB6 is an understudied ephrin receptor tyrosine pseudokinase that is downregulated in multiple types of metastatic cancers. Unlike its kinase-active counterparts which autophosphorylate and transmit signals upon intercellular interaction, little is known about how EphB6 functions in the absence of intrinsic kinase activity. Here, we unveil a molecular mechanism of cell-cell interaction driven by EphB6. We identify ephrinB1 as a cognate ligand of EphB6 and show that in trans interaction of EphB6 with ephrinB1 on neighboring cells leads to the formation of large co-clusters at the plasma membrane. These co-clusters exhibit a decreased propensity towards endocytosis, suggesting a unique characteristic for this type of cell-cell interaction. Using lattice light-sheet microscopy, 3D structured illumination microscopy and cryo-electron tomography techniques, we show that co-clustering of EphB6 and ephrinB1 promotes the formation of double-membrane tubular structures between cells. Importantly, we also demonstrate that these intercellular structures stabilize cell-cell adhesion, leading to a reduction in the invasive behavior of cancer cells. Our findings rationalize a role for EphB6 pseudokinase as a tumor suppressor when interacting with its ligands in trans. This study demonstrates that co-clustering of the EphB6 receptor tyrosine pseudokinase with its ephrinB1 ligand on neighboring cells promotes formation of intercellular tubules. This stabilizes cell-cell adhesion and reduces cancer cell invasion.
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