Modelling and Analysis Of flexible manipulator: Soft robotics

2023 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical, Electronics & Digital Healthcare Technologies (REEDCON)(2023)

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In contrast to conventional rigid-linked robots, soft robotic manipulators can assume a variety of complex morphologies in response to control inputs and gravitational loads. This paper presents a novel technique for modelling flexible robotic manipulators using inverse dynamics. This study provides mathematical modelling of a manipulator robot’s kinematic and dynamic behavior under the influence of nonlinear material properties and a distributed mass payload. The kinematic model is used to develop a control strategy that optimizes the robot’s kinematic performance. The dynamic model takes into account the robot’s pace. The static model, on the other hand, allows for autonomous trajectory tracking in specific situations. In addition, the Simulation of the proposed treatment parallels the evolution of control systems. In this paper, a concise analysis of soft robotics and research in the direction of modelling a flexible manipulator are presented, along with a performance comparison between link 1 and link 2 under varying parameter conditions. Experiments are performed to test the validity of hypotheses
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Key words
Soft Robotics,Manipulator system,Modelling,Kinematics,dynamics,Tracking,Controlling
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