
Development, Validation and Greenness Assessment of Three Simple Spectrophotometric Methods for Determination of Two Combined Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Agents

Egyptian Journal of Chemistry(2023)

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Three straightforward, valid, and environmentally friendly spectrophotometric techniques were established and validated for concurrent assay of a binary mixture of linezolid (LIN) and cefixime trihydrate (CEF) without prior separation. Ratio difference spectrophotometric method (Method A) utilized 6 mu g/mL of CEF as a divisor and found that the subtraction of amplitudes at 250 and 222 nm in the ratio spectrum was proportional directly to LIN concentration. Similar to this, the ratio spectrum's amplitude difference between 222 and 250 nm was utilized to analyze CEF utilizing 8 mu g/mL of LIN as the divisor. For the first order derivative ratio spectrophotometric approach (Method B), the previously constructed ratio spectra were subjected to a first order derivative manipulation process, the sum of peak and trough amplitudes at 240 and 260 nm and at 215 and 228 nm were selected to concurrently estimate LIN and CEF, respectively. Finally, utilizing mean centering of ratio spectra (MCR) (Method C) LIN and CEF were examined at 250 nmin the mean-centered previously created ratio spectra. All of the presented approaches were successful in estimating LIN and CEF in laboratory made dosage form revealing satisfactory recoveries. Furthermore, the presented methods were assessed for validation parameters in accordance with the International Council for Harmonization (ICH) recommendations and evaluated for greenness via both the analytical Eco-scale and the AGREE model.
Linezolid,Cefixime,Ratio difference spectrophotometry,Ratio derivative spectrophotometry,Mean centering of ratio spectra,Greenness evaluation
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