
Prenatal Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Birth Outcomes


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Background and objectives: The impact of prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to birth outcomes as weight, length, head perimeter, placenta weight and Apgar score. Materials and Methods: Two cohorts of children born in the years 2013 and 2014 in Karvina (Northern Moravia, N=144) and Ceske Budejovice (Southern Bohemia, N=198) were studied for the relationship between prenatal exposure to PAHs and growth parameters up to two years of age. PAHs exposure was evaluated according to concentration of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) in polluted air and monohydroxylated PAH metabolites (OH-PAHs) in urine of newborns and their mothers. Data on growth parameters were obtained from pediatric questionnaires up to 24 months. Results: Concentrations of B[a]P were significantly higher in Karvina (p<0.001). OH-PAH metabolites were significantly higher in the mother´s as well as in the newborn’ s urine in Karvina. The length was shorter in newborns in Karvina at birth (p<0.001), but this difference was straightened out during next 3 to 24 months. Birth weight at the delivery did not differ between newborns in Karvina and Ceske Budejovice. Newborns in both locations significantly decreased their weight gain between birth and 3 months after delivery. OH-PAHs metabolites in mother’s or newborn’s urine did not affect birth weight. Top 25% values of concentrations of 2-OH-FLUO, 1-OH-NAP, 2-OH-NAP, 1-OH-PHEN, 2-OH-PHEN, 3-OH-PHEN, 4-OH-PHEN and the sum of all-OH-PAHs higher than median in the newborn´s urine decreased their length. 2-OH-PHEN top 25% of concentrations in the newborn´s urine decreased their head perimeter, 2-OH-FLUO, 1-OH-NAP, 2-OH-NAP, 1-OH-PHEN, 2-OH-PHEN, 3-OH-PHEN, 4-OH-PHEN, 9-OH-PHEN, 1-OH-PYR, and all-OH-PAHs decreased placenta weight; 2-OH-FLUO, 1-OH-NAP, 2-OH-NAP, 1-OH-PHEN, 2-OH-PHEN, 3-OH-PHEN, 4-OH-PHEN, and all-OH-PAHs decreased Apgar 5´. Conclusions: We observed that higher concentration of PAHs determined as OH-PAHs metabolites in newborn´s urine decreased their length, head perimeter, placenta weight, and Apgar 5´, but did not affect birth weight.
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